Ways To Honor and Remember a Loved One Who Has Passed

Arlington Cemetery doesn’t just honor and bury soldiers. A soldier’s family and loved ones are just as important to Arlington and, thus, services such as military burials of dependents in Arlington Cemetery are available. This is one of the best ways to honor and remember a loved one who has passed. By granting ceremonies, religious services, and more, you can find closure and pay your respects to your loved one. Read on to explore more of these options.

Create a Reminder

Just as the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier provides a constant reminder of all the soldiers lost without ever being recovered, you too can create a memorial that will keep the memory of your loved one alive. Honor the life of your loved one by designing the memorial to be significant to their interests and values. It needn’t be anything extravagant if it’s not necessary. So long as it serves as a reminder of who they were and what they valued, you’ve successfully created a good memorial to your loved one’s memory.

Start a Tradition

Another one of the ways to honor and remember a loved one who has passed is by creating a tradition that celebrates their life. Whether that tradition involves visiting their grave in Arlington every year or doing something special for the anniversary of their passing, making the effort and dedicating your time to their memory is one of the best ways to honor their memory and find closure.

Donate a Tribute

While acts of charity in your loved one’s name are always a good start, donating money or your time to causes and organizations your loved one found important is even better. Who we are as people is defined by our beliefs, values, and convictions—aspects of our identity that persist even after our passing. By upholding your loved one’s values, you’re honoring their identity by creating a legacy that can influence and better the lives of others.