Service Statistics

Arlington Media collects data for every service we cover. Some information is used for video graphics like transfer points, weather forecast, chaplain’s names, etc.  Other data sets help us plan on future supply needs and staffing. All of it combined together gives an informative view of service trends over time.

Service Coverage Type (Last 12 months)

Nearly half of the services we cover are for both photo and video together, a third are for video only and the rest are for photography only.

Service Branch Type (Last 12 months)

The outer circle is just Arlington Media services, the inner circle is all Arlington Cemetery services for the same period. The data shows we cover slightly more Air Force services and slightly fewer Navy services. The ‘other’ category is also skewed because we cover a large number of World War II repatriated service personal who served mostly in branches that predated the US Air Force, which was formed in 1948.

Service Type (Last 12 months)

The outer circle is just Arlington Media services, the inner circle is all Arlington Cemetery services for the same period. This data set shows we cover a higher portion of standard honors, full honors and chapel services, and a much lower percentage of dependent services.

Service Origin (Last 12 months)

The outer circle is just Arlington Media services, the inner circle is all Arlington Cemetery services for the same period.

Updated May 2, 2024