Dependent Arlington Service
Photo and Video

Stating from the Administration Building at Arlington National Cemetery.

Arlington Media specializes in covering Arlington services. We use multiple cameras dispersed around the service to capture every aspect of a Dependent service.

What We Do - Photo

We shoot with at least two Nikon or Canon professional cameras and large lenses. We always shoot RAW and convert your photos to JPEGs for delivery. Historically, we shoot on average 438 photos at a service – sometimes more, sometimes less owing to the unique nature of each service.

We treat these services like they are news events, documenting every aspect of the service.

What is Included - Photo

We will provide you with more than 200 high-resolution photographs on one of the following:

  • Five years Online private photo storage

Photo USBs are available at $60 each. A copyright transfer is included

A custom printed personalized photo DVD-ROM data disc is available for $95.00

Photo DVD-ROM disc and USB thumb drive will NOT be copy protected, so you can make your own copies.

What We Do - Video

The USB thumb drive and the online video file are in ultra high definition 4K and are a great option for modern computers without an optical drive. They include a ten-minute video of the Changing of the Guard at the Tomb of the Unknowns. The ultra high definition 4K digitally mastered DVD or Blu-ray are designed to ensure the best possible viewing experience, complete with an interactive menu and extras, including the ten-minute video of the Changing of the Guard at the Tomb of the Unknowns.

Our acquisition and editing practices meet and exceed the production requirements of broadcast companies such as National Geographic, BBC HD, and Discovery HD. Our video packages include at least four professional broadcast-quality ultra high-definition 4K Sony cameras (not Go-Pros).

What is Included - Video

We can provide you with the following:

  • Five years Online private video link

Video USBs are available at $60 each.

An interactive video DVD or Blu-ray disc are available at $95.00 each

Your video DVD or Blu-ray disc, and USB thumb drive will NOT be copy protected, so you can make your own copies.

Live Web Streaming is an additional $145.00.

What We Do - Photo Albums

Photo albums in two different sizes are available as an add-on starting at $150.00 for the first book and starting at $100.00 for each additional book.

Arlington media book 2020 | Arlington media, inc.


When a spouse or other eligible dependent of a current or former member of the Armed Forces is buried at Arlington, the military service in which the service member served will provide a casket team or body bearers and a military chaplain, if requested. No other military funeral honors will be rendered unless the spouse also served in the military.


Military Chaplain

A military chaplain may be scheduled by the cemetery staff, if requested, unless a family minister is desired and provided by the primary next of kin or the funeral home. 

A Casket Team

A casket is carried foot first, except for that of a clergyman which is carried headfirst. U.S. flags over military caskets are placed so that the blue field is at the head and over the shoulder of the deceased to symbolize service to the nation.  The casket is draped before it arrives for services and remains draped until the flag is folded graveside. The cap and sword of the deceased is never displayed atop a flag-draped casket (nothing touches the flag). Caskets are transported to the cemetery in a hearse or caisson.