The US Navy band pictured leading a procession in Arlington National Cemetery during a full honors funeral. Full honors funerals are for commissioned officers, warrant officers and senior non-commissioned officers (pay grade E-9). Full honors includes an escort platoon (size varies according to the rank of the deceased) and a military band pictured here. Normally, the deceased service member’s branch of service is responsible for carrying out the military honors at the funeral. Those eligible for full military honors may also use the caisson if it is available. The Third Infantry Regiment United States Army, more commonly known as the Old Guard, is always responsible for caisson. Caisson is a horse drawn wagon or cart. The two caissons used at the Cemetery are from the WWI time period circa 1918-1919. Originally the caisson was used to bring artillery onto the battlefield. Once the artillery was off-loaded, the caisson was loaded with bodies of fallen service members. The wagon is pulled by six horses, but there are only three riders. The Old Guard service members only ride the horses on the left side because the horses on right side were originally used to take supplies onto the battlefield. Officers with a rank of colonel or above in the Army and the Marine Corps may have a caparisoned (riderless) horse, if available. The riderless horse follows behind the caisson and is guided by an Old Guard service member. The horse wears an empty saddle with the boots in the stirrups backwards to signify the last ride of the officer. PC: @arlingtonmedia Paraphrased content: Arlington Tours

[igp-video src=”” poster=”” size=”large”]The US Navy band pictured leading a procession in Arlington National Cemetery during a full honors funeral.

Full honors funerals are for commissioned officers, warrant officers and senior non-commissioned officers (pay grade E-9). Full honors includes an escort platoon (size varies according to the rank of the deceased) and a military band pictured here. Normally, the deceased service member’s branch of service is responsible for carrying out the military honors at the funeral. Those eligible for full military honors may also use the caisson if it is available.

The Third Infantry Regiment United States Army, more commonly known as the Old Guard, is always responsible for caisson. Caisson is a horse drawn wagon or cart. The two caissons used at the Cemetery are from the WWI time period circa 1918-1919. Originally the caisson was used to bring artillery onto the battlefield. Once the artillery was off-loaded, the caisson was loaded with bodies of fallen service members. The wagon is pulled by six horses, but there are only three riders. 

The Old Guard service members only ride the horses on the left side because the horses on right side were originally used to take supplies onto the battlefield.

Officers with a rank of colonel or above in the Army and the Marine Corps may have a caparisoned (riderless) horse, if available. The riderless horse follows behind the caisson and is guided by an Old Guard service member. The horse wears an empty saddle with the boots in the stirrups backwards to signify the last ride of the officer.

PC: @arlingtonmedia
Paraphrased content: Arlington Tours